Atlanta and Memphis - What are two Mr. Abundes favorite cities?, 48 - How old is Mr. Abundes?, October 22 1973 - When is Mr. Abundes birthday?, January 15 1929 - When was Martin Luther king born?, Seattle and Phoenix - Mr. Abundes hasn't visited these cities., History - What is Mr. Abundes favorite subject?, Black, red and blue - What are Mr. Abundes favorite colors?, pink and blue - What ribbon color are colon and breast cancer?, chocolate - Name one thing Mr. Abundes doesn't like?, Mathematics - What subject Mr. Abundes doesn't teach? , May 19 1925 - When was Malcolm X born?, 50 - How many states are in the Unite States?, Atlanta - What is the capital of Georgia?, Washington D.C. - Where is the White House?,

Mr. Abundes

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