Correct: A primary transfer is when a hair/fiber is shed directly on a surface., Hair with a follicle has nuclear DNA (individual evidence), Hair grows 1cm per month, The rough exterior of a hair is called the cuticle., Keratin and melanin (pigment granules) are found in the cortex of a hair., Humans have an imbricate cuticle pattern., Humans have a medullary index of .33 or less., A comparison microscope is used to analyze hair evidence., Fibers is class evidence., Fibers can be natural or synthetic., Cotton is a natural fiber., Animal fibers are wool and silk., This is cotton, Asbestos is a natural mineral fiber., Synthetic fibers tend to be smooth and uniform. in shape, Animal fibers smell like burnt hair., Incorrect: A secondary transfer is when a hair/fiber is shed directly on a surface., Hair with a cuticle has mtDNA (class evidence), Hair grows 1 inch per month, The rough exterior of a hair is called the medulla., Keratin and melanin (pigment granules) are found in the medulla of a hair., Humans have a spinous cuticle pattern., Humans have a medullary index of .5 or more., A SEM (scanning microscope) is used to analyze hair., Fibers are individual evidence., Fibers can be man made or processed., Polyester is a natural fiber., Animal fibers are silk and polyester., This is wool, Asbestos is a synthetic fiber., Natural fibers tend to be smooth and uniform in shape., Synthetic fibers smell like burnt hair.,
Hair and Fiber Review
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
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