A high school - is for children aged between 11-18 years in the USA, A secondary school - is for children aged between 11-18 years in the UK, A pupil - studies in a primary/secondary school., A student - studies at university, collage, or evening class., A term - is one of the three periods of the year during which classes are held in schools and universities., A semester - is the two periods that the school/college year is divided into, especially in the USA., Pass an exam - is to achieve the requested standart in an exam or test, Fail an exam - is not to achieve the requested standart in an exam or test, Be punished - is to be made to suffer because you’ve done something bad or wrong., Be expelled - is to officially have to leave school because you’ve done something wrong., Cheat - is to act in a dishonest way in order to gain an advantage in an exam., Misbehave - is to behave badly., A state school - is run by the government and is usually free., a private school. - You have to pay to go to, A head teacher - is a person who is in charge of a school, A teacher - teaches in any school apart from university., Make somebody study something - is to force somebody to study., Let somebody study something - is to give somebody permission to study., A graduate - is a person who has a university degree., A stusent - is a person who studies at university or college., A nursery school - is a school for children between the ages of two and four in the UK. It is not compulsory., A primary school - is a school for children between the ages of five and eleven in the UK. It is compulsory., History - is a subject at school or university which is the studyof past events., A story - is a description of events and people that a writer has invented in order to entertain.,
7A Extra Vocabulary
EF Intermediate
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