Tell me how to make some kind of delicious food. , What should someone do if there is an earthquake? , How do I get to a good restaurant near here?, What are your best tips for a happy marriage?, Tell me step by step how to make a lot of money., What should I do if I see someone who is cut very badly?, What’s a card game from your country? How do I play it? , How does a person find the perfect man or woman? , What are your best tips to live a happy life? , How do I get to the nearest bus stop? , Can you give some tips for surviving a flood? , Can you give some tips for surviving a flood?, Tell me some tips for a hobby you have., What should I do if I'm in a car accident? , What should I do if I'm in a car accident?, Tell me how to plan a great vacation. , Can you tell me how to do a traditional dance from your country?, What should someone do to escape a burning building?.
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