Favorite Movie?, Something that makes you happy?, Favorite Family Memory?, If you could have 3 wishes... , Fun Fact about Yourself!, Something that makes you frustrated!, Would you rather be able to read minds or fly?, Something that makes you laugh?, Favorite memory with Joanne?, Favorite Family vacation?, Favorite game?, If you found $10, what would you do with it?, A word that describes how you feel today?, Favorite sport?, What do you like most about yourself?, Favorite thing about Joanne?, Favorite thing to do with Joanne?, Favorite subject in school?, What would you do if you were invisible for a day?, Favorite Summer activity?, Scariest thing that has happened to you?, If you could throw a pie in someone's face, who would it be??, What are you most proud of?, A question you have about KKI?, What helps you cheer up when you are sad?, Favorite emoji?, Favorite fast-food restaurant? , If you could have a song play every time you entered a room, what would be yours, and why?, If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your phone, which ones would you keep?, If you could changed into a candy bar, what would choose and why?, Would you rather win the lottery or work your dream job?.
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