Purpose - The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists., Target Audience - The group of people at whom the website is aimed at., Copyright - The exclusive legal right (authority) given by a media / content creator to use their image, movie or text in your own website., JPEG - A file format used for compressing image files for use on the Internet., Hyperlink - A link from one webpage to another use by clicking on a highlighted word or image on the screen., Accessibility - The method of designing a website so that it is accessible (usable) by everyone no matter if they have any disabilities or language difficulty., Responsive Design - Designing a website so that it changes depending on the device it is displayed on e.g. phone, tablet or computer., Home Page - Main page of a web site; usually the first page., Photo Gallery - A collection of images or photos that is uploaded to a website and available for website visitors to scroll through and view., Publish - To finalise and make a Website available to the public (whole world)., URL - A web address / location of where a document or webpage can be found on the Internet. (Uniform Resource Locator), Image - A type of graphic or picture use in a webpage., Textbox - An on-screen rectangular frame into which you type text.,

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