1) Why do you think it is important to build a trust relationship with our sellers during every interaction? a) To make them feel comfortable and safe with our resolutions to their issues. b) To prevent any negative attitudes that may lead to a difficult conversation. c) To reduce awkward silence. d) To request them a positive escalation after the contact. e) To make them end the contact even if the resolution provided is not correct. 2) Demonstrate response regulation is only implemented within our job environment and not in our personal life. a) True. b) False. 3) Which of the following options is something that we need to avoid while trying to demonstrate response regulation with our sellers? a) No, you’re wrong... b) Answer the seller after his speech ends. c) I recommend that you read this email carefully... d) Refer to the previous email. e) I already provided a resolution within my last correspondence.” f) Remains calm and maintains an even tone throughout the entire contact 4) Which of the following phrases are something that we can use to demonstrate response regulation during a conversation? a) Upon detailed review of the case, the ASIN’s XXXX cannot be reinstated as they are considered pesticides, which are prohibited products. We understand this is not the outcome you were hoping for in this situation, but it is in alignment with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations which determine what products are considered pesticides. b) Regarding the issue that the FBA order recipient did not receive the goods, this is the responsibility of the front desk customer service. Please ask the buyer to contact front desk customer service.Regarding the issue that the FBA order recipient c) I understand this is not the outcome you were expecting, and I know it is very frustrating to not receive the reimbursement you were hoping for. That said, the policy states [details]. What I can do to help you is [action]. In the future, you can take some steps to try and avoid this outcome. Please see [link to education]. d) I already provided a resolution within my last correspondence. 5) Put our self in the seller's shoes and demonstrate response regulation are two of the most important behaviors while trying to build a trust relationship. a) True. b) False.

Demonstrate response regulation


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