1) The change in position overtime. a) motion b) position c) location d) reference point 2) A location at which you compare to other locations to. a)  reference point b) net force c) motion d) relative motion  3) What is location? a) A place. b) The position of the object. c) The size of the object. 4) The overall force acting on an object when all the forces are combined. a) Balanced Force b) Unbalanced Force c) Newtons d) Net Force 5) What is balanced force? a) Two forces equal in size and acting in opposite directions. b) Two forces unequal in size and opposite in direction. 6) Two forces unequal in size and opposite in directions. a) Unbalanced Force b) Balanced Force c) Unequal Force d) Equal force 7) Back and forth motion a) Vibration b) Circular c) Straight line 8) What is circular motion? a) An object going back and forth. b) An object just going straight. c) An object rotating in a circular path. 9) Object just going straight a) Linear Motion b) Circular Motion  c) Vibration Motion 10) What is relative motion.  a) The idea that the observation of motion depends on the observer b) A location at which you compare to other locations to. 11) When an object pushes or pulls another object by touching it a) Contact Force b) Non-Contact Force 12) What is a Non-Contact Force? a) force whether it touches the object or not b) When an object pushes or pulls another object by touching it 13) a car going around a roundabout a) Circular Motion b) Vibration Motion c) Linear Motion 14) Riding down a elevator a) Circular Motion b) Linear Motion c) Vibration Motion 15) The motion of the strings of a guitar. a) Vibration Motion b) Linear Motion c) Circular Motion 16) What do we measure the weight of force in?  a) Newton's b) News c) Numbers

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