1) How many states were in 1861? a) 34 b) 35 c) 43 d) 31 2) In which city did slavery start? a) Jamestown b) Georgia c) Jermey d) Plymouth 3) In what year was the cotton gin invented? a) 1793 b) 1792 c) 1789 d) 1721 4) In what year did the American Civil War start? a) 1861 b) 1860 c) 1869 d) 1917 5) How many people died in the civil war? a) 650.000 b) 750.000 c) 800.000 d) 600.000 6) What happened on January 1, 1863? a) Abraham Lincoln gave freedom to slaves b) A happy new year c) Nothing happened 7) When was one of the last fights? a) April 8, 1863 b) April 9, 1865 c) May 9, 1945 d) January 1, 1863 8) When was Abraham Lincoln assassinated? a) Autumn 1865  b) April 1865 c) May 1865 d) June 1865

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