1) On. I’m not a fan of their logo. I think they ______ changed it years ago a) could have  b)  should have c) would have  d) must have  2) I can’t believe you met Steve Jobs in person. That _______ been amazing! a) must have  b) should have  c) couldn't have d) might have 3) John _______ been at the party last night. He’s not even in the country. He flew to Japan yesterday morning a) may not have b) might not have c) coudn't have  d) shouldn't have 4) The investigators have several ideas about what _______ caused the fire a) should have  b) would have  c) might have  d) wouldn't have  5) You _______ mentioned it in front of the rest of the team. I would have talked to him in private about it. a) should have b) would have c) could have d) shoudn't have  6) We _______ changed distributors if they had kept their prices competitive. a) might have b) couldn't have c) wouldn't have d) shouldn't have 7) He didn’t even crack a smile at my jokes. He _______ thought they were funny a) must not have b) shouldn't have c) wouldn't have d) should have 8) Matt _______ graduated college in 1997. He was only 14 years old. a) may not have b) coudn't have  c) might not have d) must not have 9) Tim’s supposed to be here, but it looks like he _______ forgotten a) would have b) couldn't have c) shouldn't have d) may have  10) He looked completely dejected after the interview. It _______ gone very well a) shouldn't have b) must not have   c) should have d) woudn't have 11) The virus _______ done us a lot of harm. Fortunately, it didn’t. a) could have done  b) couldn't have c) should have d) may have 12) You ________ told me you needed help. I would have pitched in. a) must not have b) should  have  c) shouldn't have d) may have

Past Modals of Deduction


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