Sprinkle - to shake little pieces of something on top of the dish, Colander - a metal or plastic bowl with a lot of small holes in it, used for draining water from vegetables, etc. after washing or cooking, Sink - a large open container in a kitchen which you use to wash dirty dishes, Whisk - (= a tool) for mixing eggs, etc. very fast, Foil - metal made into very thin sheets that is used for covering or wrapping things, especially food, Kettle - a container, used for boiling water, Fridge - you keep your food cold and fresh there, Sieve - a tool for separating solids from liquids, Mug - a big cup, Scissors - you can cut with them, Yolk - a yellow part of an egg, Stir - when you mix some ingredients with spatula, Separate - when you need to put one ingredient from another (i.e. you need to _______ an egg yolk from an egg white), Drop - a little tiny piece of any liquid (i.e. water, oil),

Kitchen utensils


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