literal - the exact meaning of a word or phrase, figurative - expressing something in an interesting or creative way, meaning something beyond its ordinary meaning, infinitely - endlessly, without limit, transplant - to transfer (tissue or organ) from one body to another; to uproot and replant, devour - to eat up hungrily or greedily, courageous - brave, fearless, cardiac - relating to the heart, greathearted - generous, courageous, heroic, circulatory system - the heart and blood vessels that circulate blood through the body, transport - to carry something from one place to another, concentrate - to focus all one's thoughts or efforts on, chamber - room; a section of the heart, figurative language - language that cannot be taken literally since it was written to create a special effect or feeling, valve - a flap of tissue in the heart or a vein that prevents blood from flowing backward, simile - a comparison using "like" or "as", metaphor - a comparison without using like or as, saying one thing is another thing, infer / inference - taking an educated guess based on what you have read or know about the subject, rhythm - a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound, rhyme - repetition of sounds at the end of words, repetition - repeated use of sounds, words, or ideas for effect and emphasis, imagery - visually descriptive language, anonymous - unknown, synonym - a word that means the same as another word, antonym - a word that means the opposite of another word, immortal - able to live forever, meter - a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry, theme - the message or lesson of a story, synthesize - combining or bringing together, sympathetic - feeling, showing, or expressing care, honorable - worthy of respect,
Wit & Wisdom Module 1
4th Grade
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