1) When typing a capital letter with you RIGHT hand you should use which shift-key? a) Left-shift key b) Right-shift key c) Num-Lock d) Caps Key 2) Your semi-colon finger always rest on which home row key? a) comma b) L-Key c) A-Key d) Semi-colon 3) The f finger presses what letters? a) Jkil b) Frtgbv c) Uyjhnm 4) What are you home keys? a) Jkl; qwer b) Sdfj kl;i c) Asdf jkl; d) Erty iopn 5) You should use your ___________to press the enter button. a) ; (right pinkie) b) A c) right thumb d) right pointer 6) You should use your ___________to press the backspace/delete key? a) right or left thumb b) index c) right pinkie d) middle finger 7) The "o" key is struck by the ____________ key. a) J b) K c) L d) ; 8) The "g" key is struck by the ____________ key. a) F b) D c) S d) A 9) The "r" key is struck by the ____________. a) F b) S c) D d) A 10) The "b" key is struck by the ____________. a) A b) S c) D d) F

Touch System Data Entry-Quiz


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