True: Dia de los Muertos is different than halloween, Dia de los Muertos started in Mexico, Dia de los Muertos takes place on November 1st and 2nd, Dia de los Muertos is a celebration of life, Sugar skulls are a symbol of Dia de los Muertos, People make altars to honor loved ones who have passed away, There are parades in the streets during Day of the Dead, People visit the cemetery during this time, People might wear face paint or dress up, This holiday is over 2000 years old, People might make sweet bread to celebrate, You will see lots of flowers during this time, People go to the cemetery and sometimes stay all night.all night, People leave food and drink at the Altar for the deceased., False: Dia de los Muertos is the same as halloween, Dia de los Muertos is when you go trick or treating, Dia de los Muertos takes place on October 30th and 31st, Is a scary holiday, Bloody skulls are a symbol of Dia de los Muertos, You may see people dressed as superheros or princesses during Day of the Dead, This holiday is popular for its werewolves, vampires, and zombies, Ofrendas are a type of flower., Monarch butterflies leave Mexico during this holiday., Encanto is a Disney movies about this holiday., Zombies are a symbol of El Dia de los Muertos.,
True/ False: Dia de los Muertos Facts
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