bulla - large blister containing watery fluid, crust - dead cells that form over a wound or blemish while it is healing, cyst - closed, abnormally developed sac that contains fluid, pus, semifluid, or morbid matter above or below the skin, excoriation - skin sore or abrasion produced by scratching or scraping, fissure - crack in the skin that penetrates the dermis, keloid - thick scar resulting from excessive growth of fibrous tissue, lesion - mark on the skin, macule - flat spot or discoloration on the skin, nodule - a solid bump larger than 0.4 inches that can be easily felt, primary lesion - lesions that are different color than the color of the skin and/or raised above the surface of the skin, scale - thin,dry, or oily plate of epidermal flakes, secondary skin lesions - piles of material on the skin surface or depressions in the skin surface, tubercle - abnormal, rounded, solid lump above, within, or under the skin, tumor - abnormal mass varying in size, shape, and color, vesicle - small blister or sac containing clear fluid, lying within or just beneath the epidermis, wheal - itchy, swollen lesion that lasts only a few hours,
Cosmetology Chapter 8 - Vocab 1
11th Grade
12th Grade
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