1) Which utility software protects against vulnerable coding in files? a) Check disk b) Disk clean up c) Firewall d) Anti- virus 2) Which utility software checks the integrity of disk files? a) Check disk b) Disk clean up c) Firewall d) Disk defrag  3) Which utility software re-arranges disk space and file allocation? a) Check disk b) Disk clean up c) Disk defrag d) Removal of cookies 4) Which utility software protects from illegal access to a computer system? a) Removal of cookies b) Disk clean up c) Anti- virus d) Firewall 5) Which utility software prepares a disk for storage of data? a) Check disk b) Disk clean up c) Disk defrag d) Disk formatting 6) Which utility software helps remove unwanted data and files on a storage disk? a) Check disk b) Disk clean up c) Disk defrag d) Removal of cookies 7) Which utility software helps provide information about hardware & software of a computer system? a) Check disk b) Disk clean up c) Disk defrag d) System profiler 8) Anti-virus software licence costs £35 per machine. 20% discount is given when purchasing more than five licences. What the total cost of 10 licences after discount? a) £350 b) £70 c) £280 d) £310

Utility Software

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