1) What is Sawm(fasting)? a) Reciting the Quran  b) Running a race for charity c) Not eating or drinking from Fajr until Maghrib time d) Memorizing a Special Dua 2) What is known as the month of Fasting? a) Ramadan b) Muharram c) Safar d) Zul Hijjah 3) It is Haram to intentionally do this while fasting? a) Eat b) Drink c) Vomit d) Put your head under water e) All of the Above 4) What is one of the Blessing of the month of Ramadan a) The Prophet's birthdate b) The Night of Qadr c) The night of Meeraj d) The First Hajj 5) What is another thing that we should do while fasting? a) Sleep all-day b) Stay away from sins c) Have a big iftar d) Watch TV

Grade 3-Fiqh-5.1

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