ipconfig - From the Command Line find your IP address, ping - Check to see if a Server is down, tracert - Find where packets are being dropped, hostname/whoami - I need to know the name of this computer, nslookup - What website name is from the Command Line, chkdsk - Check and repair bad sectors on a disk, format - From the Command Line Format a removable SSD, pathping - Test connectivity and path between you and a server, shutdown - Restart a computer from the Command Line, gpupdate - An updated policy needs to be enforced , gpresult - Display the settings and group policy information, netstat - View active connections , netuse - Connecting and disconnecting from a network resource, robocopy - Can copy files with ALL attributes , xcopy - Can copy files, pwd - Displays your current place in a directory, ls - List the contents of a Directory, su/sudo - Run a program or command as another user, apt-get - Install or remove software from the Debian Terminal, yum - Open Source Package Management Utility, chmod - Modify read, write rules, chown - Change ownership, grep - Need to search for the instance "Defcon" in files, ifconfig - From a Shell find your IP address , cat - Display a file without opening it , dig - From the Terminal resolve a FQDN , ps - Display current running active processes, mv - Move or rename a file, rm - You need to delete a file, top - Display all the running processes,
A+ Core 2 Commands-Command line & Terminal
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