1Applaud - To Show approval, especially by clapping hands. , Applause - The showing of approval or enjoyment by cheering or clapping. , Crafty - Skilled at tricking others., Disclose - To make known. , Drab - Dull and without color; not cheerful or colorful , Entire - Having nothing left out; whole ;complete, exclaim - To speak suddenly and with strong feeling. , exclamation - A sharp cry of strong feeling. , exquisite - Finely Done or made; very beautiful, intend - to plan; to have in mind. , intention - an aim, plan, or purpose. , jeer - to speak or cry out in scorn; to mock , peer - to look closely; to stare, especially at something that is hard to see or to understand. , 1progress - moving toward a goal , 2Progress - An improvement , 3Progress - to move forward. , 4Progress - To advance to a higher stage; to improve. , Refine - To make pure by removing all unwanted matter. , 1refined - In a pure state, 2refined - Having good manner and good taste. , scoundrel - A mean or wicked person, uneasy - Not comfortable; worried or nervous , Vain - Having too high an opinion of one's looks or achievements. , 2Vain - Without success. , in vain - without success or result; useless.,
Wordly Wise Lesson 6
Rediģēt saturu
Līderu saraksts
Rādīt vairāk
Rādīt mazāk
Šī līderu grupa pašlaik ir privāta. Noklikšķiniet uz
, lai to publiskotu.
Mācību līdzekļa īpašnieks ir atspējojis šo līderu grupu.
Šī līderu grupa ir atspējota, jo jūsu izmantotās iespējas atšķiras no mācību līdzekļa īpašnieka iespējām.
Atjaunot sākotnējās iespējas
Saderību meklēšana
ir atvērta veidne. Tā neģenerē rezultātus līderu grupai.
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Vizuālais stils
Nepieciešams abonements
Pārslēgt veidni
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