cell - building blocks of all living things, x-rays - Doctors use these to see the skeletal system, joints - This is where 2 bones meet. Cartilage covers them., Achilles heel - This is the most powerful tendon in the body., Brain and Spinal Cord - Part of the control center of the body, Five senses - These work with the brain to process information., nerves - These are messengers that tranmit information from all parts of the body to the brain., hemispheres - The brain is divided into 2 of these., nearsightedness, farsightedness - Can both be corrected with glasses or contact lenes.s, Iris - This is your colored part of your eye., How to Maintain a "Clean Bill of Health" - Eat healthy, exercise, and see a doctor regularly, Skeletal system - made up of your bones...structure to your body, ligaments - rubberband-like bands that connect bone to bone, pupil - black opening of your eye, femur - largest bone in your body, stirrup - smallest bone in your body, tendons - connects muscle to bone, voluntary muscles - I can be controlled by the brain. ( arm muscle is an example), involuntary muscle - I work automatically. ( heart), cartilage - I cushion your bones., nervous system - I am the system that includes nerves, the brain, and the spina cord., heart - I am a very strong muscle that contracts rhythmically to help circulate your blood throughout your body., organ - I am a part of your body system that has clearly defined functions. ( liver), cerebral cortex - I grow thicker as you learn something new., cerebrum - I am the largest part of your brain called "The Thinking Brain.", medulla - I am only 3 inches long and connect to your spinal cord., Auditory nerve - I send what you hear to your brain , Optic nerve - I send what you see to your brain.,
G3 ckla unit 3 review
3rd Grade
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