If you could own any pet animal, what would it be and why?, What job do you have in mind for the future? Why?, What is the best book you've ever read? , What is your favorite movie? Why do you like it?, If you could have any super power what it would it be?, What is one thing you're really good at? , What book/movie would you change the ending to if you could?, What is your favorite day of the year? Why?, What would you go viral for on the internet?, If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?, What are you currently obsessed with? Why?, How was your name chosen? Were you named after someone?, What is one song you could listen to on repeat and never get sick of?, If you had an extra hour every day, how would you use your extra time? Why?, If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?, What is the most sentimental item you brought to UofSC? Why is it special to you?, Do you have any “guilty pleasure” shows that you are embarrassed to admit that you watch? If so, what are they?, What was the worst/ funniest/weirdest gift you ever received?, Which would you prefer – 1 wish right now, or 3 wishes 5 years from now? Why?, What is your biggest pet peeve?, What is your favorite season and why?.
U101: Building Community
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