What is your favorite tv show?, What is your favorite color?, What is your favorite sport to play/watch?, Who is the coolest person you know?, Do you have siblings?, Do you have any pets?, Did you go on a vacation this summer?, Do you like distance learning?, Where is somewhere that you want to visit?, Tell me something you can cook., Tell me something you find interesting!, Tell me about your favorite memory., Tell me about your family., Tell me about a pet you wish you could have. , What is your favorite place to eat out?, Have you ever left the country?, Have you ever left the state?, Have you ever broken a bone?, What is something you are good at?, What is your favorite movie?, Tell me something that you are proud of., What is your favorite holiday?, Ice cream or cake?, Chocolate or fruity candy?, Hot Cheetos or Takis?, Hat or beanie?, Something I like about school..., Something I miss about school..., Something I wish for, Do you like reading?.
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