Right now, I'm feeling..., I was really happy when..., Something that my friends like about me is..., I'm proud of..., My family is..., In school, I'm good at..., I admire..., I've been struggling with..., I hope to someday..., I don't understand..., My best friend..., I'm afraid of..., Other people are important because..., I forgive..., My hobby is..., I will always remember..., A person I learn a lot from is..., I feel anxiety when..., When I'm angry, I..., The emotion I find most difficult to control is..., I can show respect by..., If I could live anywhere, I would..., If I wrote a book, it would be about..., The best gift I ever received was..., A good friend..., I love..., I feel strong when..., I like to dream about..., I'm glad that I learned how to..., Something I want to learn about is..., What I want you to know about me is..., I feel bad when..., On my birthday, I like to..., I feel lucky to have..., The world would be better if..., I'm getting better at..., My favorite holiday is..., Three people who love me are..., Sometimes I worry about..., I want to be..., I miss..., When I grow up..., The kids in my class..., I look up to..., Before I go to sleep, I think about..., I'm different because..., My safe place is..., One person who listens to me is..., Next year, I want to..., My funniest memory is....
Finish the Sentence...
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