Would you want to live forever in a roller coaster park or a zoo?, Would you want to be a master at every musical instrument in the world, or fluent in every language in the world?, When you're on Instagram/Snapchat/TikTok do you prefer to look at celebrity posts or ones from your friends?, Is there an app you hate, but you still use it anyway?, If humans could live on Mars, would you volunteer to move there?, Would you rather give up breakfast, lunch, or dinner forever?, Are pets better than humans?, What 5 things would you take with you at the end of the world?, What is your favorite smell?, If you could choose one superpower, what would it be?, Would you want to win $10,000 or let your best friend win $100,000., You move to a beautiful island to start your own country. What is the first law you make?, Do you put your cereal in the bowl before the milk or the milk in before the cereal?, What is a word or expression that you probably say too much?, If you became invisible for 10 minutes RIGHT NOW, what (school appropriate) things would you do?, What actor/actress would you want to play you if there is ever a movie about your life?, What is one invention you would un-invent?, What thoughts instantly make you feel more relaxed?, What is your favorite combination of colors?, What is something about yourself that you're really proud of, but usually don't tell people about?, Would you want to be amazing at only one thing or so-so at everything?, What is the stupidest thing you've ever done because someone dared you to do it?, You are given the option of keeping your name or choosing a new one. What do you choose?, If animals could talk, which would be the nicest? the funniest? the meanest?, Is a hot dog on a roll a sandwich?.
Silly questions icebreaker
9th Grade
10th Grade
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