Winter: It begins in December in the northern hemisphere., At the start of winter, the days are shorter than the nights., The temperature is low and there's usually some precipitation., At the end of winter, the days start to get longer., Deciduous trees have no leaves and some animals hibernate., , Spring: It begins in March in the northern hemisphere., At the start of spring, the days and nights are about the same length., The temperature increases and there's a lot of precipitation., At the end of spring, the days are longer than the nights., Plants start to grow flowers and many animals reproduce., , Summer: It begins in June in the northern hemisphere., At the start of summer, the days are longer than the nights., The temperature is high and there's usually very little precipitation., At the end of summer, the days start to get shorter., Lots of fruit is ready to eat in summer., , Autumn: It starts in September in the northern hemisphere., At the start of autumn, the days and nights are about the same length., The temperature decreases and there's a lot of precipitation., Deciduous trees start to lose their leaves., At the end of autumn, the days are shorter than nights., ,
The Earth's year and seasons
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