Patrick Henry - Inspired patriots from other colonies when he spoke out against taxation without representation by saying "give me liberty or give me death", George Washington - Provided military leadership by serving as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, Loyalists - People who remained loyal to the king of England and the laws of that country, Patriots - Colonists who went against the king during the American Revolution, Continental Congress - Delegates from every colony accept Georgia who gathered together and wrote to the king of England trying to make him see their side, James Lafayette - An enslaved African American from Virginia who served as a spy in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, Marquis de Lafayette - A French nobleman who volunteered his service to the Continental Army during the American Revolution, Women - Some traveled with the soldiers from battle to battle, cooking, sewing and nursing the sick and wounded. Others ran farms, shops, and businesses while their husbands and fathers were away., Thomas Jefferson - Provided political leadership by expressing the reasons for colonial independence from Great Britain in the Declaration of Independence , King of France - Provided troops, ships, and money to aid the Americans during the American Revolution,

The People of the American Revolution


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