Clay - Type of soil that retains the most water, Sand - Type of soil that retains the least water, U-shaped Valley - Created by a glacier scraping through, V-shaped Valley - Created by a river or moving water, Sand Dune - Created by the deposition of sand by the wind, Coal - Fossil fuel created from the remains of ancient swamp plants, Oil and Natural Gas - Fossil fuel formed from the remains of ancient marine life, Precipitation - Rain, snow, sleet, or hail, Weather - The short-term conditions outside at a specific place and time, Climate - The average conditions of an area over a long period of time (30+ years), Transpiration - When plants give off water vapor through their leaves, Ground Water - Water held underground in rock, Accumulation - The gradual gathering of precipitation, Runoff - The draining of water on the surface of the Earth, Weathering - The breaking down of rock by wind, water, or ice, Erosion - The moving of sediments by wind, water, or ice, Deposition - The dropping of sediments in a new location, Compaction - The pressing together of sediments, Cementation - Sediments sticking together like glue, Sedimentary Rock - Rock made by the deposits of sediments in layers that are compacted and cemented together,
Earth Science Vocabulary
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