Checks and Balances: Congress can override a veto by a 2/3rds vote, Presidential appointees have to be approved by the Senate, All treaties made by the President must be ratified by the Senate, If the President veto's a law Congress can rewrite it, Congress can withhold funding for Presidential projects, Separation of Powers: The President can pardon people convicted of crimes, The President is in charge on enforcing the law, The President can appoint Federal Judges, Only Congress can pass a law, Only Congress can declare war, Federalism: The National Govt is in charge of Foreign Policy, Maryland can pass marriage laws within its borders, Only the National Government can create money, The National Govt and the State Govt's can tax, Educational requirements vary from state to state, Limited Government: The Constitution restricts the powers of the Govt,, Congress cannot make a law taking away freedom of speech, The Govt. can only have the power the Constitution gives it, The Framers didn't want the President to have power like a King, Popular Sovereignty: We the People, Our Democracy is by consent of the people, All power flows from the people, Democracy, Republicanism: Citizens elect Senators and Representatives, A government in which the people vote for their political representatives, The people exercise their power to vote for representatives, , Voting for homecoming king/queen, Individual Rights: The United States has a Bill of Rights, A list of specific individual freedoms (located in the Constitution), Personal Liberty and privelages guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, ,
7 Principles of Government
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