atmosphere - the air that surrounds the Earth; it is made of a mixture of gases, Climate - general pattern of weather in an area over a long period of time [30 years or more (many decades), Condensation - the process of water changing from water vapor to a liquid by loss of heat (e.g., weather - water vapor forming clouds), Evaporation - the process of water changing from a liquid to water vapor by adding heat (e.g., weather - water in oceans evaporating into the air), Precipitation - water that falls to the Earth’s surface as rain, snow, sleet, or hail, Sun - a huge ball of gases around which the Earth and other planets of the solar system revolve; the Sun is a star that provides Earth with most of its light and thermal energy, Water Cycle - the change of water from one state to another as it moves between Earth’s surfaces to the atmosphere, Weather - day-to-day conditions of the atmosphere in an area; weather has short-term variations (e.g., weather can change from minute-to-minute, day-to-day, or week-to-week),

Weather and Climate Vocabulary


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