1) Why are interests and abilities important considerations in choosing a career? 2) Explain the differences between values and professional priorities. 3) What should be included on a résumé? 4) Why is it important to proofread your résumé before sending it? 5) Explain how a recent graduate could stress job experience on his or her résumé. 6) Why is it important to include key words from a job description on an electronic résumé? 7) What is the hidden job market? 8) Why should you prepare questions to ask at a job interview? 9) What should you do if an interviewer asks you what your weaknesses are? 10) What is the function of a teaching portfolio? 11) List three types of questions that are illegal for an employer to ask during an interview. 12) Why should you write a thank-you letter to your interviewer following a job interview? 13) How do employee rights relate to employer responsibilities? 14) Explain why keeping confidentiality is important for professionals in early childhood. 15) What does it mean to balance multiple roles?

Chapter 33 Recall and Review Questions


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