1) 妈妈 a) mother b) little bird c) butter d) bird nest 2) 儿子 a) to close up, to put things togeter b) score c) bird nest d) son 3) 女儿 a) handle b) to cooperate, to work with another or others c) mother d) daughter 4) 分数 a) score b) doorknob c) come again, did again d) mother 5) 分开 a) to seperate, to set apart b) score c) little bird d) also, again 6) 门把 a) famous b) doorknob c) to cooperate, to work with another or others d) come again, did again 7) 把手 a) handle b) son c) to close up, to put things togeter d) also, again 8) 又是 a) daughter b) also, again c) score d) beef 9) 又来了 a) shark b) to seperate, to set apart c) to close up, to put things togeter d) come again, did again 10) 合作 a) handle b) little bird c) to fish d) to cooperate, to work with another or others 11) 合起来 a) to close up, to put things togeter b) handle c) daughter d) toilet 12) 牛油 a) butter b) shark c) score d) street, road 13) 牛肉 a) beef b) handle c) come again, did again d) son 14) 马路 a) street, road b) famous c) butter d) bird nest 15) 马桶 a) beef b) daughter c) toilet d) butter 16) 小鸟 a) to close up, to put things togeter b) beef c) daughter d) little bird 17) 鸟巢 a) bird nest b) score c) street, road d) little bird 18) 鲨鱼 a) to close up, to put things togeter b) little bird c) come again, did again d) shark 19) 钓鱼 a) shark b) famous c) to close up, to put things togeter d) to fish 20) 有名 a) to cooperate, to work with another or others b) famous c) also, again d) to fish 21) 名字 a) name b) to write c) famous d) character 22) 写字 a) famous b) to fish c) to writer d) to cooperate 23) 文字 a) famous b) name c) handle d) character
2nd Grade
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