1) What is the capital city of Nigeria? a) Accra b) Lagos c) Abuja d) Addis Ababaa 2) What is the capital city of Mali? a) Pretoria b) Cairo c) Bamako d) Dakar 3) What is the capital city of Tanzania? a) Antananarivo b) Bangui c) Dar es Salaam d) Brazzaville 4) What is the capital city of Rwanda? a) Kigali b) Luanda c) Maputo d) Kampala 5) What is the capital city of Somalia? a) Ouagadougou b) Nairobi c) Lome d) Mogadishu 6) What is the capital city of Morocco? a) Yaounde b) Rabat c) Windhoek d) Yamoussoukro 7) What is the capital city of Liberia? a) Tripoli b) Moroni c) Monrovia d) Tunis 8) What is the capital city of Niger? a) Niamey b) Nouakchott c) Porto-Novo d) Maseru 9) What is the capital city of Zimbabwe? a) Khartoum b) Gaborone c) Djibouti city d) Harare 10) What is the capital city of Malawi? a) Juba b) Dakar c) Lilongwe d) Conakry

African capital cities quiz

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