1) In my _______, maths is fun. a) way b) me c) opinion 2) The ________ I see it, English is easy. a) way b) me c) opinion 3) To _____, history is difficult. a) opinion b) me c) think 4) I think IT is very useful!  a) That's so true. b) I think not. c) Me neither. 5) In my opinion, science rocks! a) I agree you. b) I don't think yes. c) No way! I hate science 6) My favourite subject is P.E.! a) Absolutely! I love P.E., too. b) No way. I love it, too. 7) My Geography teacher is so strict. (she doesn’t let anyone break the rules) a) Oh, I don't think so. She's so nice to me. b) You're right. She's so nice to me. 8) Mrs. Smith is really funny.  a) No way! We laugh all the time. b) You're right! We laugh all the time. 9) I think our P.E. teacher is awesome! a) I see what you mean, but I hate P.E. b) Absolutely! I hate P.E. 10) My English teacher is so cool! a) You're right. b) Me neither.

Teachers and subjects


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