thymine - always pairs with adenine, guanine - always pairs with cytosine, fermentation - Making ATP with NO oxygen, osmosis - diffusion of water, dominant - trait that ALWAYS shows, recessive - trait that is hidden, gene - CARRY hereditary information, genotype - Rr RR rr, phenotype - blue eyes/brown hair, mutation - CHANGE in DNA, refraction - BENDING of light, J J Thomson - plum pudding theory, atomic number - protons in nucleus, dependent variable - The outcome that is measured, independent - Variable that is manipulated, nucleus - DNA is stored here, red - color with longest wavelength, violet - color with shortest wavelength, periods - another name for rows, groups - another name for families, vacuole - BIGGER in a plant cell, nucleotide - Building block of DNA, deletion - Step is left out, insertion - Step is added, Rosalind Franklin - X ray diffraction, Gregor Mendel - Father of genetics, tissues - Made of many cells, interphase - Resting phase of mitosis,
DNA and Genetics!
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