What is one thing you wish your community would do better?, How would you design your perfect day?, If you were famous, what would you be famous for?, What do you do when you can't sleep at night?, Name 3 things you're grateful for, Name 2 things that bring you happiness/joy, what do you do when your stressed?, What hobby would you like to learn and why?, What is your favorite holiday?, What's one thing adults really don't "get"?, What's something nice you can say to yourself when you're feeling down?, If you were an animal, which would you be? Why?, What is your greatest strength?, What is your dream job?, If you could travel back in time three years, what advice would you give yourself?, If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what rule would you make? Why?, What do you love and are passionate about?, Tell us something you want us to know about you., If you had a magic lamp, what would your three wishes be?, If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be? Why?, what are 3 things you do every day?, What is one thing you like about yourself?.
Social Emotional Group Ice Breaker
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