True: I can control being kind., I can control doing my homework., I can control how I respond to challenges., I can control the friends I choose., I can control studying for tests., I can control asking for help., I can control how I respond to others., I can control apologizing., I can control my decisions. , I can control how I spend my free time., I can control my effort., I control learning from my mistakes., I can control my attitude., I can control my words. , False: I can control the weather., I can control who likes me., I can control how others treat me., I can control what my teacher says., I can control how tall I am., I can control the work assigned at school., I can control what other people do., I can control other people's opinions., I can control the past., I can control what other people say., I can control when other's make mistakes.,
Can Control v.s. Can't Control
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