Correct: 1 cm = 10 mm, metric ruler = 30 cm, = 10 cm long, = 80 mm long, =tape measurer, =the purple ribbon is 6 cm long, 1 decimeter is 100 mm, 2 kilometers = 2,000 m, length x width x height = volume, all of these rulers are 10 inches long, a meter is bigger than a yard, an once is bigger than a gram, this ruler is 6 cm long, 1 inch is about 2.5 cm, 1 hectometer = 100 m, Incorrect: 1 mm = 10 cm, meterstick = 100 inches, yard stick, 30 cm = .3 mm, 3 inches = 6cm, the purple pencil is 8 mm long, = meterstick, =1,000 cm, centimeters are bigger than meters, these are the units used in the metric system, one pound is bigger than a kilogram, one liter is smaller than a quart, 1 inch is 5 cm, 1 decameter = .15 m, only 3 countries use the metric system,

Measuring Length (Metric System)


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