1) My computer turns ... off after half an hour. a) myself b) yourself c) itself 2) Nobody helped me. I did it ... ! a) himself b) herself c) myself 3) Cats can look after ..., can't they? a) yourselves b) themselves c) ourselves 4) Dad didn't help me. I did it all ...! a) myself b) herself c) himself 5) That's great, Cathy. Did you make that dress ...? a) herself b) yourselves c) yourself 6) We painted the room ... . a) yourselves b) ourselves c) himself 7) This kitchen isn't going to clean ... , you know! a) itself b) himself c) myself 8) Wendy decided that she would buy ... a new dress in the sales. a) herself b) itself c) yourself 9) Help ... ! a) myself b) yourself c) itself 10) He saw ... in the mirror. a) himself b) herself c) myself 11) The dog entertained ... with a ball. a) himself b) itself c) yourself 12) We all enjoyed ... at the party. a) themselves b) yourselves c) ourselves 13) He can fix the car (by) _____.  a) him b) himself c) him selves 14) I like being like ______.  a) myself b) himself c) herself 15) Help ________ to tea!  a) himself b) yourself c) themselves 16) They are looking at __________. a) them b) each other c) themselves 17) They are looking to _______. a) themselves b) each other c) them

Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns R-up 4


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