Single Cell - Called organism that consist of a single cell, Multicellular - Composed of more than one cell, Prokaryotic cells - Is the smallest and simplest cell, Eukaryotic Cells - They are found in organism and organic tissues, they have a nucleus, Animal Cells - A living organism that that creates and belongs to animals., Plant Cell - A living organism that belongs to the plants., Proteins - Molecules that are essentials for organic growth and maintenance., Organelles - These are internal structures that make the cell work, Cytoplasm - Is a jelly, liquid substances inside the cell, Carbohydrates - is the sugars, Nucleus - is the one that gives and controls everything inside the cell., Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) - An organic molecule that contains the instructions for proper function and holds genetic information inside of the nucleus., Rough endoplasmic reticulum - It contains ribosomes to manufacture certain cell proteins and process them., Smooth endoplasmic reticulum - it doesn't have ribosomes and it manufactures cell lipids and process certain carbohydrates., Golgi apparatus - is made of membranous sacs.  Where is packed and distributed the proteins and other molecules., Ribosomes - They are responsible to create and form the proteins, Lysomes - They are responsible for breaking up molecules and cells structures that are already due natural wear and tear or it doestn't work properly, Vacuoles - It function as a small storages structures inside the plant., Cytoskeleton - It gives structural support inside the cell, and helps maintain the shape of the cell, Chloroplasts - is an organelle from the plant where photosynthesis occurs inside of it., Mitochondria - They are responsible for obtaining chemical energy to make the organelles function work better,

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