Identity property of Addition: 0+ 4 = 4, 0+12 = 12, 79+0 = 79, 5,324+0 = 5,324, 0+83 = 83, 78+0 =78, Commutative Property of Addition: 62+4 =66 4+62 =66, 5+4=9 4+5=9, 200+300 =500 300+200=500, 7+3+6 =16 3+7+6 = 16 6+3+7=16, 10+40+50 =100 50+10+40=100 40+50+10 =100, 26+34 =60 34+26 =60, Associative Property of Addition: (1+2)+3= 6 1+(2+3) =6, (4+3) +6 =13 4=(3+6) =13, 12 + (14 + 13) =39 (12+14) +13 =39, 7+(2+5)+10 = 24 7+2+(5+10) =24 (7+2)+5+10 =24,

Properties of Addition


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