5-Emergency: , Fire at school., Your friend is hurt and needs to go to the hospital., A bad car accident., There is a wild fire., 4-Gigantic Problem: , Someone hit you., You kicked someone. , You threw your Chromebook and broke it., You are lost without an adult., 3-Big Problem: , Someone is mean to you everyday., Your classmate took your new book that you got for your birthday., You fell and scrapped your knee when you accidentally ran in to someone at recess., You fell and shattered your phone., 2-Medium Problem: , You are feeling sick., Your sibling is bothering you after you asked them not to., You have to wait in a long line., You have to get a shot at the doctors office., 1-Tiny Problem: , The tip of your pencil broke., You took your friends turn in the game. , You forgot to clean up your mess., You accidentally spilled your cereal.,
Size of Problem
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