Cytoskeleton - Provides structure and framework for the cell, Lysosomes - Created by the Golgi complex, this helps to break down large molecules into smaller pieces that the cell can use , Peroxisomes  - These collect and safely break down chemicals that are toxic to the cell., Nucleus - Acts as the control center & houses genetic info, Golgi bodies - Packages, modifies, and secretes proteins as membrane-bound vesicles, Cilia & Flagella - Helps the cell move (or move substances over the cell), Centrioles - Barrel-like structures form part of the centrosome and help in cell division , Cell membrane - The flexible barrier between the cell and the environment; controls what enters/ exists the cell, Amyloplast - Non- pigmented organelles found in some plant cells and a few protists, Cytoplasm - The term used for the "living" part of the cell, Rough ER - Transportation network, is involved with protein production, protein folding, control quality and dispatch. It is studded with ribosomes , Smooth ER - Transportation network is associated with the production and metabolism or fats and steroid hormones. It is not studded with ribosomes ,

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