inundated - flooded an area with water, ultimate - most extreme or important because either the original or final, or the best or worst, coastline - the particular shape of the coast, especially as seen from above, from the sea, or on a map, solid - hard or firm, keeping a clear shape, deadly - likely to cause death, pose - to cause something, especially a problem or difficulty, target - an object shot at during shooting practice, often a circle with a pattern of rings, or any object or place at which bullets, bombs, etc. are aimed, jetliner - a large jet aircraft that can carry a lot of passengers, displacement - the weight of liquid that is forced out of position by an object that is floating on or in it, threat - a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent will happen, especially if a particular action or order is not followed, to originate - to come from a particular place, time, situation, to trigger - to cause something to start,
tsunami national geographic
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