Cabeza de Vaca and La Salle - Which explorers were able to survive their explorations in America due to their relationships with the Native Americans?, Seven Cities of Cibola - Cabeza de Vaca's writings about the "New World" inspired Spanish explorers to search for the-, God, Gold, and Glory - What are the 3 G's of exploration?, He took the Aztec ruler prisoner, and used him to keep his people under control. - How was Cortez able to establish a Spanish settlement in America?, Pineda drafted the first map of the Texas coast, which led to more exploration. - What is the significance of 1519?, To find gold, to spread Christianity, and because the French had shown an interest in Texas - Why did the Spanish establish settlements in Texas?, Spanish influence on Texas, renewed Spanish interest in Texas - What were the effects of the Spanish settling in Texas?, The Spanish built Missions all over Texas. - What was a result of the French landing in Texas?, A era when Spanish Explorers and Conquistadors made contact with people of the New World. - What was the Age of Contact?, Fray Damian Massanet - Who established the mission San Francisco de los Tejas?, convert Native Americans to Christianity - What was the purpose of the missions?, Spanish military forts - What was a presidio?, Antonio Margil de Jesus - Who founded the most successful mission in Texas?, France - Who did Father Hidalgo try to convince to build more missions?, First successful mission in Texas. - What is the significance of the mission Corpus Christi de la Isleta?, Establishing settlements, building missions, converting Native Americans to Christianity - What are some things the Spanish did to colonize Texas?,
Explorers and Missions Review
7th Grade
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