Get someone I know to register to vote TODAY!, A LOT of HW, Hang out with my family, Have a socially distanced hangout with a friend, Learn a new song to sing, Start a new art project, Write a letter to someone important in your life, Apologize to someone , Tell someone you love them, Go to the park, Play videogames, Take a Covid-19 test, Take up a new hobby, Read a book, Watch a movie, Go for a walk, Take pictures of the neighborhood, Make dinner, Watch TV, Practice yoga, Practice meditating, Treat yourself to something nice, Tell yourself "I love you" , Give yourself a hug, Play Among Us, Complete the Census, Tell your teacher you appreciate them, Tell a classmate you appreciate them, Organize your room or living space, Help your parents with chores, Do some exercise, Eat veggies , Eat fruits.
What should I do this weekend?
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