1) Where is the dog? It is _______ the table. a) in  b) behind c) under d) on e) next to f) in front of 2) Where is the cat? It is ________ the table. a) on b) in c) next to  d) behind e) under f) in front of 3) Where is the dog? It is _______ the tree. a) on b) next to c) behind d) in e) under f) in front of 4) Where is the ball? It is _________ the box. a) on b) behind  c) next to  d) in e) under f) in front of 5) Where is the boy? He is _______ the door. a) behind b) in c) between d) under e) on f) next to 6) Where is the mouse? It is _______ the desk. a) in b) under c) next to d) behind e) on f) in front of 7) Where is the elephant? It is _______ the chair. a) next to b) behind c) on d) under e) in f) between 8) Where is the mouse? It is _______ the box. a) on b) in c) next to d) behind e) under f) in front of 9) Where are the books? They're __________ the table. a) in b) on c) next to d) between e) behind f) under 10) Where are the cats? They're ________the bed. a) on b) under c) next to d) behind e) in front of f) between 11) Where is the bear? It's _________ of the mirror. a) in front of b) next to c) behind d) between e) under f) in 12) Where are the kids? They're __________ the tree. a) in front of b) between c) behind d) next to e) under f) on 13) Where is the elephant? It's _________ the car. a) in b) under c) behind d) between e) next to f) in front of 14) Where is the girl? She's _________ the boxes. a) in b) under c) behind d) between e) next to f) in front of 15) Where is the cat? It's _________ the dogs. a) on b) under c) behind d) between e) next to f) in front of

Prepositions in, on, under, next to, behind, between, in front of

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