1) a rapidly whirling, funnel-shaped cloud that reaches down from a storm cloud to touch Earth’s surface a) Tsunami b) Flood c) Hurricane d) Tornado 2) tropical storm with winds at least 119 mph a) Wildfire b) Sinkhole c) Tornado d) Hurricane 3) the overflowing of a lake or river’s channel a) Landslide b) Avalanche c) Earthquake d) Flood 4) any uncontrolled fire in combustible vegetation  a) Wildfire b) Earthquake c) Tornado d) Volcano 5) water shortage caused by long periods of low precipitation in an area a) Earthquake b) Drought c) Tornado d) Tsunami 6) the shaking that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth’s surface a) Tornado b) Drought c) Wildfire d) Earthquake 7) an opening or rupture in the planet’s crust that allows hot magma, volcanic ash, and gases to escape  a) Tsunami b) Flood c) Volcano d) Drought 8) series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large amount of water, usually after an earthquake or volcanic eruption a) Wildfire b) Sinkhole c) Tsunami d) Tornado 9) a rapid flow of snow down a hill or mountainside a) Earthquake b) Avalanche c) Sinkhole d) Landslide 10) the movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope a) Landslide b) Sinkhole c) Wildfire d) Tornado 11) a hole in the ground that forms when water dissolves surface rock a) Tsunami b) Avalanche c) Earthquake d) Sinkhole 12) A biome that has evergreen trees a) Taiga b) Deciduous Forest c) Desert d) Tropical Rainforest 13) A biome that receives very little rainfall. a) Savanna b) Tundra c) Desert d) Tropical Rainforest 14) This biome contains a layer of permafrost. a) Taiga b) Tundra c) Desert d) Temperate Grassland 15) This is the most biodiverse terrestrial biome. a) Desert b) Deciduous Forest c) Tropical Rainforest d) Coral Reefs 16) This is the most biodiverse aquatic biome. a) Estuaries b) Freshwater c) Coral Reefs d) Arctic waters 17) In this biome, the trees shed their leaves. a) Deciduous Forest b) Taiga c) Coniferous Fores d) Boreal Forest 18) This biome relies on wildfires during the dry season to "reset" the ecosystem. a) Savanna b) Desert c) Temperate Grassland d) Tropical Rainforest 19) This biome consists of fertile soil, great for farming. a) Savanna b) Temperate Grassland c) Desert d) Deciduous Forest 20) This biome has the most tornadoes. a) Temperate Grassland b) Savanna c) Deciduous Forest d) Taiga

Catastrophic Events and Biomes

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