affectionate - showing that you like or love someone, arrogant - believing that you are better or more important than other people, artistic - showing skill and imagination in creating things, confident - certain about your ability to do things well, outgoing - friendly, talks a lot, and enjoys meeting people, sensitive - easily upset by the things people say or do, sensible - able to make good decisions and judgements based on reason, reliable - able to be trusted or believed, determined - wanting to do something very much, and not letting anyone stop you, easy-going - relaxed and not easily upset or worried, generous - giving people a lot of money, presents, or time in a kind way, impatient - easily annoyed by someone's mistakes or because you have to wait, likable - you are pleasant and easy to like, lively - full of energy and interest, loyal - always liking and supporting someone or something, sometimes when other people do not, bossy - always telling other people what to do, cheerful - happy and positive, clever - having or showing the ability to learn and understand things quickly and easily, energetic - very active physically and mentally, hard-working - always putting a lot of effort and care into work, optimistic - hoping or believing that good things will happen in the future, patient - able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious, serious - not joking or intended to be funny, not laughing a lot, shy - nervous and uncomfortable with other people, talkative - talking a lot, tidy - having everything ordered and arranged in the right place, or liking to keep things like this, well-organised - working in an effective and successful way because of good organization,
Gateway ttw B1+ - Unit 1.Personality Profile
Gateway to the world B1
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