energy - the ability to do work, solar - renewable energy source that uses the sun to generate electricity, wind - renewable energy source that uses moving air to generate electricity, hydroelectric - renewable energy source that uses moving water and gravity to create electricity, geothermal - Heat energy from inside Earth that can be used to heat buildings and produce electricity, biomass - Any material from living things that can be burned and used as a source of fuel, nuclear - The energy released by the nucleus of an atom; used to produce electrical energy by breaking apart atoms, renewable - energy sources that are easily replaced as they are used and available forever, nonrenewable - energy sources that will eventually run out and are not replaceable, conservation - The careful use and management of energy; reducing the amount of energy used, fossil fuels - Energy source that formed over millions of years from the decayed remains of ancient plants, global warming - a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans,

Energy Vocab Review


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