Correct: Be a buddy not a bully., We should be kind to each other., Sometimes we will have conflict at school., We should try to say nice things to others., We should ask others to play if we see them alone., We should stand up for kids who are being bullied., We should tell an adult if we see bullying., Conflict is not bullying. , It is not okay to be a bully at our school. , Bullying is when someone is mean on purpose. , Bullying can be when we leave someone out on purpose., We need to report bullying. , Bullies need to be stopped. , Bullies use their power to hurt others. , Bullies need help to stop bullying. , Incorrect: Be a bully not a buddy, It is okay to be mean., If we have conflict; we are being bullied, It is okay to say mean things to someone., We should leave kids we don't like out. , We should ignore bullying., We should just mind our own business when we see bullying, Conflict is bullying. , It is okay to be a bully at our school. , Bullying is when we play with our friends., Bullying is asking everyone to play., We should never tell anyone about a bully. , It is fun to have a bully. , Bullies make others feel good. , Bullies are awesome.,
Recongnizing Bullying
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